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「記憶は遠い(Memory is Far Away)」收集了光年碗2022年夏天在香港拍攝的彩色照片。在遠離市區的郊外,陽光的恩賜讓事物在夏季的晴日下顯得無比鮮豔和明亮。這段真切鮮活記憶已經變得遙遠,而這本攝影集成為一座彩色的紀念碑,依然可以成為喚醒陌生而鮮活感觸的契機。
"Memory is Far Away" is a collection of color photographs taken by Wan Kounen during the summer of 2022 in Hong Kong. In the outskirts far away from the city, the gift of sunlight made everything appear vivid and bright on summer days. Although this genuine and vivid memory has become distant, this photography collection serves as a colorful monument that can still evoke unfamiliar yet vivid emotions.


  • 170x250x6mm, 64 pages


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