《東京物語(初版)》是日本頂尖攝影師之一荒木經惟(1940-)的寫真集。 荒木經惟自1970年私人出版《施樂寫真集》(共25冊)以來,已經出版了約500本寫真集。 荒木經惟在書的最後寫道,這些照片是“最近兩三年拍攝的”,所以它們展示的是 20 世紀 80 年代末的東京。 只發表用6x7相機拍攝的風景照片,書的尺寸也是6x7,每頁一張照片。 以下摘自荒木經惟的文字《東京物語》。 「也許是因為我在東京出生長大。總之,我喜歡東京。東京是故事。東京是攝影......我喜歡小津安二郎的電影《東京故事》,我想有一天發行一本類似的寫真集所以這本寫真集已經籌備了十多年了。 1989年首次出版。 "Tokyo Story (First Edition)" is a photo book by Nobuyoshi Araki (1940-), one of Japan's leading photographers. Araki has published around 500 photo books since his privately published "Xerox Photo Album" (25 volumes in total) in 1970. This book was published in 1989 and is literally a book that shows various places in Tokyo. At the end of the book, Araki writes that the photos were "taken in the last two or three years," so they show Tokyo in the late 1980s. Only landscape photos taken with a 6x7 camera are published, and the book is also 6x7 in size, with one photo per page. The following is from Araki's text "Tokyo Story." "Maybe it's because I was born and raised in Tokyo. In short, I love Tokyo. Tokyo is stories. Tokyo is photography...I love Yasujiro Ozu's film 'Tokyo Story' and I wanted to someday release a photo book with a similar feel, and one with the same title. So this photo book has been in the planning stages for over 10 years." First published in 1989.