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In August 2021, Hold Everything, Dear,the first photographic collection of Axel Ling, was published. It covers his feelings during the past few years. The feeling of facing the future after graduating from secondary school; the feeling of leaving home to study abroad; the feeling of experiencing the political instability of Hong Kong... He was fragile...

Hold Everything, Dear resembles a personal diary,a personal diary that can be shared and resonate with everyone as the "punctums" inside connect people to each other. That being said, it is, to an extent, a collective diary.

在生命的進程中,凌文滔曾確切地抱著名為「留住一切,親愛的」的覺悟。時值社會及自身環境經歷巨大轉變,作者以比較私密的攝影回應及記錄轉變成大人這個過程,也是一個有關告別香 港及21歲前的自己的故事。本書是探攝離留之間的生命札記。《留住一切,親愛的》攝影風格強烈,是私密之餘且回應 時代的作品。

留住一切,親愛的Hold Everything, Dear/凌文滔Axel Ling

  • Axel Ling was born in French Guiana in 2000. He followed his parents and has settled in Hong Kong since 2009. In 2019, he joined Ménos, a local photographic club. In 2021, he finished a pre-degree course in design, media and screen at the University of Arts London. Hold Everything, Dearis his first photographic collection published. Ling now studies photography at The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague. He carries cameras everyday, everywhere he goes. He takes photos.
    凌文滔千禧年出生於法屬圭亞那,九歲隨父母回港定居,十六歲開始攝影,十八歲加入攝影俱樂部 Ménos。高中畢業 後,他在倫敦藝術大學完成設計、媒體和影像預科課程。現於布拉格表演藝術學院影視學院(FAMU)深造攝影。《留住 一切,親愛的》是他首次出版的攝影集。他每天攜帶着相機。他拍照。

  • 8” x 10” | 98 Photos | 107 Pages | Lotic E-smooth Soft Cover 1st Edition August 2021 300 copies Offset Printed and Bounded in Hong Kong ISBN 978 988 75926 0 0



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